Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Going Green

What do you think when you think about going green? That it's expensive, or maybe it's too much work. Does it mean giving up meat?!?!?! Well the answers to all these questions are No, no and NO!

There are extremely minor changes that one can make in their home and lifestyle that will not only help save the planet, but create a HEALTHIER YOU!

A little over a year ago my husband and I had decided to switch over to green cleaners. We immediately saw the difference! We no longer had headaches, runny noses, cold and bronchial issues after cleaning! In this process we had learned that Shaklee Corp. has been setting the standards by leading the way for over 50 years! Shaklee's cleaners are not only green, but they can help you save the green in your wallet or let you make more green! If you want to know how simply ask me!

So, our first step was to switch our cleaning products. Second step, become Shaklee distributors and help others switch their cleaning products. Now what else can we do to improve our lives and be healthier? Little by little we changed the things we do, such as using reusable shopping bags, recycling, switching our light bulbs to CFL's, conserving energy by using big appliances like dishwashers, washers and dryers at night, using cold water to wash clothes, leaving our shoes at the door, etc......was all of this done over night? OF COURSE NOT! We tackled these things one at a time until it became a habit before moving on to the next. They say it takes 30 days of doing something routinely for it to become a habit....meaning you do it without having to think about it anymore.

We now have our consulting buisness, Better Living Enterprises, with which we help people green their lives! Whether ready to take baby steps or a complete makeover we can help you create a healthier lifestyle and while at it contribute to saving our beautiful planet!